Guardianship, durable powers of attorney and “living wills,” sometimes referred to as “Surrogate Decision-Making,” are some of the methods available to legally empower one person to make decisions for someone who may not be able to make decisions for him or herself.
Individuals with disabilities and seniors may also be able to exercise independence in some of their affairs, while needing assistance from family members in others.
Surrogate decision making arrangements may also need to be revisited if the circumstances or capacities of the individual change over time.
The attorneys of Hinkle, Prior & Fischer can advise you and your family regarding the establishment of appropriate levels of surrogate decision-making and responsibility for you and your loved one with a disability, including (1) guardianship; (2) durable power of attorney; (3) living will; (4) living (inter vivos) trust; (5) joint account; and (6) representative payee status. Call now to learn more.