Medicaid is a joint federal/state funded health care program that provides health care services to eligible persons in need. States are given wide discretion about whom to cover and what services they provide.
While income effects Medicaid eligibility, people with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are eligible. Medicaid eligibility is important because it is the primary way some states fund home and community-based and residential services for people with disabilities of all ages. Additionally, Medicaid’s Community Care Waivers may also allow some individuals with disabilities to receive Medicaid services who might not otherwise meet the state’s Medicaid financial requirements.
The Medicaid EPSDT program is important to children with disabilities because it provides a full array of “medically necessary” health care services.
Attorneys at Hinkle, Prior & Fischer have years of experience working to secure or continue Medicaid services for children and adults with disabilities and seniors. Call now to learn how we can help with denials of Medicaid eligibility, or appeals of reductions or terminations of Medicaid services.